State of the Arts
Choreo: Haleigh Giorlando-Wall
Costumes: Haleigh Giorlando-Wall
Sound: music by Gesaffelstein
Photos: Chris Reich
Keep Up!
Choreo: Mary-Scott Pourciau
Costumes: Mary-Scott Pourciau
Photos: Chris Reich
Cinderella: An Original Contemporary Ballet
Choreo: Brett Garfinkel, Kirstin Riehl, various
Technical Director: Robert Richoux
Costumes: Nicole Lala
Scenic: Pedro Guevara
Sound: Andrew Killion
Photos: Chris Reich
Dir: Dr. Grace Edgar
Choreo: Mary Strickland
Technical Director: Anna Gautreaux
Costumes: Elizabeth Guy
Scenic: Anna Gautreaux
Sound: Liam Gardner
Photos: Pedro Guevara
Doubt: A Parable
Dir: Scott Burrell
Technical Director: Robert Richoux
Lighting: Paul Pharris
Costumes: Serena Bonnette
Scenic: Phil Kidd
Sound: Paul Pharris
Photos: Chrich Reich
Creature: A Modern Prometheus
Dir: Joey Carroll
Choreo: Haleigh Giorlando-Wall
Costumes: Sydney Ryder
Sound: Joey Carroll
Photos: Dylan Fuselier
Baby with the Bathwater
Dir: Maci Walgamotte
Costumes: Elizabeth Guy
Scenic: Rylan Mandel
Sound: Brenna Leglue
Photos: Rylan Mandel